Living Your Design (A Breakthrough Experience for All Types)

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Living Your Design (A Breakthrough Experience for All Types)


An All-Types Living Your Design course, this is a space to learn about the fundamentals of your own design, in a mixed-type group, while anchoring your unique Strategy and Authority, and deepening in your personal experiment.

My aim as a guide is to bring awareness to the places that have brought resistance or struggle in your life, and to recognition to your areas of greatest success. During this course we will look at the construct of the not-self mind, the way you dance with life and others, and anchor a clear understanding to your your unique strategy and authority.

If now is the time, and I am your guide, I look forward to taking this journey with you! (You can click through to register, or contact me for more information. Would you like to come?)


Human Design is a profound system that can help you recognize your inherent strengths, and make trustworthy decisions at the right time, according to your true nature and inner authority, reducing resistance and leading to greater harmony, fulfillment, and success.

Living Your Design is an insightful dive into the territory of Human Design as an awakening experience. This foundational-level course will provide all the necessary information you need to begin experimenting with, and living your own design. You will have the opportunity to learn about your own type, and awaken a relationship with your inner authority, which has the potential to reveal conditioning forces in your life, help you align with your true self, and radically transform your life one step at a time.

Human Design can peel back the curtain to underlying mechanics of your life experience, revealing where your challenges come from, while highlighting your inherent strengths, and helping you release detrimental behaviors, all while giving you reliable navigation tools to make trustworthy decisions as yourself.

The All Types Living Your Design Experience is for you if:

  • You’re interested in going deeper in your Human Design experiment.

  • You like the idea of going through this awakening experience with a supportive cohort, while accelerating your learning.

  • You're drawn to take in the material in a workshop setting that organizes the fundamentals of Human Design in a systematic way, rather than having to figure things out solely on your own.

  • You are drawn to Human Design, and might want to do further training. (This course is a required prerequisite to further foundational coursework and professional training.)

What we will cover: 

  • The Fundamentals - An overview of the origin and synthesis of Human Design

  • The Centers - How they operate, defined or undefined, and how to recognize when you're off track or in alignment.

  • The Not-Self - An introduction to the frequencies that have a tendency to shape our thoughts and fears through familial and societal conditioning. (When operating correctly, these can be your wisdom potentials.)

  • Definition - What constitutes your definition, how it affects you, and how you effect others.

  • Type - An overview of the four "auric" types, and what it's like to be each type, including interaction with each type.

  • Strategy - The strategy of each type, why it's important, and how to use it.

  • Authority - A description of each of the authorities, a look at your personal authority, and how it works as the unique decision-making mechanism for your life.

  • Q and A - We will have ample time for dialogue, and an opportunity to look at yours and others' charts to highlight how these mechanisms work in your personal experience, and see how these dynamics function for others. Our dialogue can help ground the recognition of your strategy and authority to give you a solid and clear foundation to begin, or go more deeply into your experiment.

  • An all-types discussion has immeasurable value in terms of learning from one another, and potentially establishing supportive relationships that can be a resource as you take this awareness into your life.

Course Materials:

Because Living Your Design is so rich with content and personal insights, it is highly supportive, and recommended that you familiarize yourself with a little bit of background information. This helps to create a foundation for your experience, and deepen our conversation in the course. There are two helpful resources that will serve this purpose. You're welcome choose between the Living Your Design student manual, or the more comprehensive Definitive Book of Human Design. (While not required, we may be offering suggested reading or video material before each module.)

Please note: Accurate birth information is required for this material to be directly relatable to you. We will ask that you send me that information before the class begins. (A birth time rectification referral is available upon request.)

Location: We will meet on video chat, on the zoom platform. (Once you are registered for the course, we will be in touch to relay all necessary information before the course begins, including the meeting room link where your class will be held.)

Dates: Contact me for upcoming dates.

Please reach out if you have any further questions. I look forward to taking this journey with you!

Warm regards,

Kendra Current